Payment Options

Transaction details are required for payments made via the below-listed methods. Email the details to

Bank Details
Bank Name: HDFC Bank
Account Name: MilesWeb Internet Services Private Limited
Account Number: 5020001645319
IFSC Code: HDFC0000064
Swift Code: HDFCINBB
Account Type: Current
Bank Name: ICICI Bank
Account Name: MilesWeb Internet Services Private Limited
Account Number: 749705000027
IFSC Code: ICIC0007497
Account Type: Current
UPI IDmilesweb@icici | milesweb@hdfcbank

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Razorpay Payment Method | MilesWeb India
MilesWeb Internet Services Pvt Ltd
MilesWeb QR Code
RazorPay QR Code Method | MilesWeb India
BHIM UPI Payment Method | MilesWeb India
UPI Payment Method | MilesWeb India
Gpay Payment Method | MilesWeb India
PhonePay Payment Method | MilesWeb India
PayTM Payment Method | MilesWeb India

Our Accepted Payment Methods

Credit and Debit Cards
VISA MasterCard AMEX Discover Diners Club
Local Card Schemes
RupayCard Payment Method | MilesWeb India
Bank Transfer
Net Banking
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