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MS SQL Server Data Types: A Guide for Every Developer

 3 min

In the web development field, there is an SQL developer who decides what kind of data will be stored inside each column of the SQL table.  There are different MS SQL server data types that every developer must be aware of. In this article, we have delved deeper into the insights of different types of MS SQL Server data types. 

What are MS SQL Data Types?

MS SQL (Microsoft SQL Server) data types define the kind of data that can be stored in a table’s columns. SQL Server provides a wide range of data types, allowing developers to store different forms of data such as integers, text, dates, and binary data. The most commonly used data types include numeric data types (such as INT, DECIMAL, and FLOAT), character data types (such as CHAR, VARCHAR, and TEXT), and date/time data types (such as DATE, TIME, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP). Each data type serves a specific purpose, ensuring that the data stored is optimized and managed effectively according to its type. 

Numeric data types in MS SQL are essential for storing numbers, and they range from exact numeric types like INT, DECIMAL, and BIGINT, to approximately numeric types like FLOAT and REAL. Exact numeric types are typically used when precision is needed, such as in financial applications. With them, you can do complicated calculations that don’t require precision. MS SQL also includes BIT for storing binary values, which are useful in scenarios like Boolean logic, where only 0 or 1 is stored.

Character data types are used for storing textual data. CHAR is a fixed-length data type, ideal for storing small strings of a fixed size, whereas VARCHAR is a variable-length type, which helps conserve space when the length of text varies. MS SQL also includes NVARCHAR and NCHAR for storing Unicode characters, which is essential for handling multilingual text. For large blocks of text, TEXT or NTEXT types are used, though VARCHAR(MAX) is now preferred for better performance. 

MS SQL Server Data Types: Different Data Values

Data TypeCategoryDescriptionExample
1. Numeric Data Types
tinyintExact numeric8-bit signed integer127
smallintExact numeric16-bit signed integer32767
intExact numeric32-bit signed integer2147483647
bigintExact numeric64-bit signed integer9223372036854775807
decimal(precision, scale)Exact numericFixed precision decimal123.45
numeric(precision, scale)Exact numericFixed precision decimal123.45
float(precision)Approximate numericFloating-point number123.45678
realApproximate numericFloating-point number123.45
moneyExact numericMonetary data$123.45
smallmoneyExact numericMonetary data$123.45
2. Character Data Types
char(length)Character stringFixed-length character stringHello’
varchar(max)Character stringVariable-length character stringThis is a long string’
nchar(length)Unicode character stringFixed-length Unicode character string你好’
nvarchar(max)Unicode character stringVariable-length Unicode character stringThis is a long Unicode string’
textCharacter stringLarge variable-length character stringA very long text’
ntextUnicode character stringLarge variable-length Unicode character stringA very long Unicode text’
3. Other Data Types
dateDateDate value2023-12-31
timeTimeTime value12:34:56
datetimeDate and timeDate and time value2023-12-31 12:34:56
datetime2(precision)Date and timeDate and time value with precision2023-12-31 12:34:56
smalldatetimeDate and timeDate and time value with less precision2023-12-31 12:34:56
timestampRow versionSystem-generated unique identifier0x0000000000000001
uniqueidentifierGlobally unique identifierUnique identifier6F9619FF-8B86-D011-B9D3-00C04FD4DC0B
varbinary(max)Binary dataVariable-length binary data0x01020304
imageBinary dataLarge variable-length binary dataBinary data

Understanding SQL Server data types is crucial for every developer aiming to build robust and efficient applications. By mastering these types, you can ensure data integrity, optimize performance, and make the most out of SQL Server’s capabilities. From selecting the right data types for your columns to leveraging advanced features like user-defined types, having a solid grasp on data types will greatly enhance your database management skills.

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