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How to search MySQL tables in phpMyAdmin?

 2 min

To search MySQL tables in the database follow these steps :

1. Log into the Manage MySQL tool.

2. In your current MySQL Databases section, click on login name for a database to log into phpMyAdmin.

3. On the phpMyAdmin program window at the left side, click on the database in which the table resides.

4. Click on the table that will display the Structure page of the table.

5. Click on Search.

6. Build a query or query by example :

To Build a query :

(i) In the Select fields (at least one) section, select the fields that you want to get displayed in the final results. The list contains all the fields present in the table.

(ii) In the Display XX records page section, enter a number at which you want to limit the number of records displayed. By default, it is 30.

(iii) In the section for Display order, select a field and then assign Ascending or Descending order, depending on the sequence you want to sort the result.

(iv) In the section for Add search conditions, enter any specific conditions for the search.

Example : field_name < 1, field_name = (2+1)*3

Query by example :

In the section for Do a ‘query by example’ (wildcard: ‘%’), you can search for specific words or values in fields, by entering the search criteria into the appropriate fields.

By entering data into the field will bring up the result in the exact field. Or to broaden a search you can add a Wildcard symbol before or after the word you are searching for.

7. Click on Go to run the query and to display the code and results.

Also Read :

1)How to import MySQL tables using phpMyAdmin?

2) Learn To Repair And Optimize MySQL Database using phpMyAdmin

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