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How To Generate Google Sitemap For PrestaShop?

 2 min

Having a sitemap for your website is important for the search engines to know about all the pages in your website and it is also useful for the new users to navigate within your website. You can easily generate a Google Sitemap for your PrestaShop website with just a few clicks. The process is mentioned below:

  • Login to your account and go to the modules tab.
  • Look for ‘Google Sitemap’; it is pre-installed with PrestaShop installation.
  • In order to determine specific parameters for Google Sitemap like which pages will be installed in it, how often to check for the newly created pages and add them (It is recommended to set up the check for at least once a day).
  • After checking all the options, you need to click on ‘Configure’ that is present under the module.
  • When you are on the configuration page, a list of options will be displayed, select the ones that you prefer.
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