Watch this video for a step by step process on how to enable file uploads in cPanel
Steps to enable file uploads in cPanel:
- Login to cPanel.
- Navigate tothe Software section and click on MultiPHP INI Editor.
- Click on Editor mode.
- Now, select a domain from this drop-down list.
- Add this code file_uploads = On at the end of your existing code.
- Click on Save to save this file.
Steps to create phpinfo file to get the PHP modules for your domain:
- On the cPanel dashboard, click on File Manager from the FILES section
- Now, click on the public_html file.
- To create a new file, click on File.
- In the New File Name textbox, enter the file name with .php extension. In our case, we have entered the info.php name.
- Click on Create New File.
- As you can see the info.php file is created.
- Now, right-click on the info.php file and select the Edit option.
- After clicking on the Edit option, one dialogue box appears on the screen which will ask you for Character Encoding.
- If you don’t want to select any Character Encoding option then click on the Edit button.
- After clicking on the Edit button, a new window appears in which you need to add this code
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
and click on the Save Changes button to save this file.
- Now browse this URL http://domainname/filename.php
- In our case, the URL is this
- Navigate to the Core section and you can see the file_uploads is On for Local Value as well as for Master Value.
In this way, you can enable file uploads in cPanel.