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How to configure WordPress Permalink Structure?

 2 min

The article guides you on how to set-up the permalink structure in WordPress.

Permalink is an abbreviation of a Permanent link which is a URL that is intended to remain unchanged for many years into the future and yields a hyperlink that is less susceptible to link rot.

What are WordPress URLs?

WordPress uses the following URL structure format by default to show a site’s page and posts :

This URL is known as permalink because it remains permanent throughout to the post or page. In default WordPress, permalink structure uses only the post ID number to generate the URL. These URLs function correctly but sometimes get difficult to remember. Thus, WordPress allows you to configure the permalink structure as you want. This increases the usefulness and readability of your site’s URLs, and also is good for search engine readability results.

# Configuring The Permalink Structure

Perform the following steps to configure the permalink structure for your WordPress site :

1) Log in to WordPress account as an administrator.

2) Under the Dashboard, click on Settings and then click on Permalinks. The Permalink Settings page will appear.

3) Under the Common Settings section, select the permalink structure that you want to use for your posts and pages.

WordPress will automatically fill in the Custom Structure text box based on the permalink structure selected by you :

• Day and name: This permalink structure formats URLs for you using the date, month, year, and name of the post.

• Month and name: This permalink structure formats URLs for you using the month, year, and name of the post.

• Numeric: Like the default WordPress permalink, this permalink structure also formats URLs using the post ID. But, it removes the ?p= parameter and substitutes with archives.

• Post name: This permalink structure formats URLs for you using the title of the post or page. In the URL date information is not included.

• Custom structure: Enables you to create your custom permalink structure by manually specifying a value in the text box.

4) Under the Optional, you can customize the permalink structure further. WordPress by default uses the category and tag in the URL to display category and tag archives. (For example: to display pages tagged with dogs, the URL will be:

• In the text for Category base, type the new value to use in URLs that displays articles from a particular category.

• In the text for Tag base, type the new value to use in URLs that display tagged articles.

5) Now click on Save Changes. WordPress will update the URLs for your posts and pages immediately.

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