Watch this video for a step by step process on How to Add and Delete Email Account in Webuzo
As a fully operational control panel, users can manage their email accounts on Webuzo. Here, we will see how you can use the Webuzo panel to add and delete an email account.
To Add Email Account
1. Log in to your Webuzo user account.
2. Go to the Email section and click on Email Account.
3. Click the Create button.
The Add Email Accounts panel will open.
4. Enter all the detail for the new email account in the fields:
- Email: Account name and domain.
- Password: Enter a password for the account.
- Email quota: Allot memory storage for the email account (in MB). Select the unlimited option to uncap the memory limit.
5. Once you have filled in all details, click Save Account.
The new email account will be created and added to the list of email accounts.
To Delete Email Account
1. Log in to your Webuzo user account.
2. Go to the Email section and click on Email Account.
A list of existing email accounts will appear.
3. Click on the trash icon of the email account you want to delete.
The Warning window will appear asking for your confirmation.
4. Click the Yes button.
The selected email account will be deleted after that.
This is how you can add and delete an email account in Webuzo.