You are unable to see most of the commands in your system with the minimal installation of any Linux distro. Only the necessary packages are installed for running an operating system and skipped unnecessary packages. The mail command is used in most of the Linux distribution for sending emails from the command line. You may get the error such as ‘The program mail is currently not installed.’ in most of the Debian based systems.
Install mail Command:
Let’s use one of the following commands to install the mail command according to your operating system. For RHEL based OS, this command installed from mailx rpm packages.
Install mail command on CentOS/Redhat 7/6/5:
Install mail command on Fedora 22+:
Install mail command on Ubuntu/Debian/LinuxMint:
On Debian based operating system this command found in mailutils package.
Sending Test Email
Send a test email using the following command after installing mail command packages in your system.