Here are the steps for creating MySQL tables for a database in phpMyAdmin:
- Login to the ‘Manage MySQL Tool’.
- In the section – ‘Current MySQL Databases’, click on a login name for the database in order to log into phpMyAdmin.
- Click on the link of the database on which you want to create the table. The database page will open in a new window.
- Under the section ‘Create new table or database’, enter the information mentioned below:
- Name : This is the name of the field
- Field : This is the number of fields for the table
- Click on ‘Go’ and the page for table management will be displayed.
- Enter the following information for each and every field in the table:
- Field : Enter the name of the field.
- Type : Select the data type of the field.
- Length / Values : Depending upon the type of field that you have, you might have to enter a variable here.
- Collation : You can optionally select a column collation. A collation is basically a set of rules that compares characters in a character set.
- Attributes : Select an attribute.
- Null : Select the option ‘not null’ for the fields that need a value to be entered and select ‘null’ for the fields that can be left empty.
- Default : Enter a value if you want that this field should have a default value.
- Extra : Select if you want this field to go in increments automatically. For instance, you might want to auto-increment a particular field so that every record has a different number associated with it.
- Select if you want the field to be Primary, Index or Unique. You can view the MySQL website’s documentation section for more information on this.
- If you wish to have full-text indexing and searching on the column, select the full-text checkbox. It is important to note here that the full-text index can only be utilized with My|SAM tables and they can only be created for CHAR, VARCHAR or TEXT columns.
- You can optionally enter any table comments that you want.
- Select the type of the table.
- Select a table collation optionally.
- If you wish to add additional fields, enter the number of fields to be added and then click on ‘Go’.
- When you have completed all your table settings, click on ‘Save’ for creating the tables and displaying the code for it.