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Managing GnuPG Key in cPanel

 2 min

This article explains to you how to manage email encryption using GNU Privacy Guard Keys in cPanel.

What is GnuPG?

The GNU Privacy Guard which is also known as GnuPG or PGP is free software and open-source implementation for public-key cryptography. Public-key cryptography systems use public and private keys (keypairs) in order to encrypt and decrypt email messages, files, etc. Recipients public key is used by senders to encrypt items, whereas recipients use their own private keys to decrypt the items.

It is easy to create, import, view and delete keys by using cPanel.

# Steps to create a new Key

Make sure that you create a new keypair first, so as to use GnuPG encryption.

Perform the following steps to create a new GnuPG keypair :

1. Log in to cPanel.

2. Go to Email section on the cPanel home screen, and click on Encryption.

3. Under Create a New Key section, type your name in the text box for Name.

4. In the text box for Your Email, type your e-mail address.

5. Type a comment or nickname for the key in the text box provided for the Comment/Nickname.

6. Type the password that you want in the text box for the Key Password.

7. Again type the Password in the Password (Again) text box.

8. In the text box for Expire Date, type an expiration date for the key. The default expiration date is one year.

9. Select a key size in the text box for the Key Size list box.

10. Click on Generate Key.

Once the process gets completed, it will show you The Key has been successfully created appears.

# Steps to Import a Key

You can import your public key, only if you already have a keypair.

1. On the cPanel home screen, go to the Email section and click on Encryption.

2. Click on Import Key.

3. Copy and Paste your text key into the text box.

Make sure when you copy-paste the text, you include following lines at the key’s beginning and ending lines :



4. Click on Import.

# Steps to view and delete a key

1. Go to Email section on the cPanel home screen and click on Encryption.

2. Identify and locate the key that you wish to view or delete. For each email address, there will be separate private and a public key.

• Click on View to view the key.

Identify and locate the private key and click on Delete GnuPG Key, to delete the key. Then click on Yes to confirm your deletion. It will delete both the private and public key.

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