Let’s start with what is npm. Node Package Manager, commonly known as npm, is one of the primary tools required for modern JavaScript developments. It enables users to easily access the thousands of libraries and packages meant for the development process. If you are dealing with Web application development, creating a new project, or handling project dependencies, the well-known npm is a must-include.
Thus, it requires a detailed guide on how to install npm without struggling with the technical aspects. This guide will provide a brief of how install npm on your system so that you can get ready to explore more of Node.js and JavaScript development.
Let’s learn how to install npm with simple, easy steps:
Install Node.js
The foremost step in how do i install npm is installing Node.js. npm is built in as part of Node.js. So all-in-all, without installing Node.js, it is not possible to run npm.
How to install Node.js: Installing Node.js on Windows:
Download Node.js Installer by visiting the official Node.js website. Then, choose the LTS (Long Term Support) version for stability or the latest version for cutting-edge features.
Download the installer for Windows and run the installer:
- Open the downloaded .msi file.
- Follow the prompts in the Node.js Setup Wizard.
- Ensure that the “Node.js runtime,” “npm package manager,” and “Add to PATH” options are selected.
Verify the Installation
- Open Command Prompt (you can search for “cmd” in the Start menu).
- Type node -v and press Enter. You should see the Node.js version installed.
- Type npm -v and press Enter. You should see the npm version installed.
If both the Node.js version and the npm version installed are similar, then congratulations! You have installed Node.js along with npm without any problems. Generally, npm are the key parts that are situated in your system. You can now use npm for package management of Node.js projects.
Update npm (Optional)
npm comes pre-installed with Node.js. However, there are certain prerequisites that must be fulfilled before the users can use npm. To avoid any issues, you should verify that the installed npm is up-to-date. Here’s how you can update it to the latest version.
- Open your terminal or command prompt.
Now, this depends on the operating system you are using; if you are using Windows, open the command prompt, and if you are using the Unix or Linux operation systems, then open your terminal.
- Run the following command to update npm:
npm install -g npm
- Verify the update by typing the below command and checking the installed version.
npm -v
How To Install npm Packages
npm packages are reusable modules of JavaScript code that can be easily downloaded and used in your Node.js projects. They give pre-existing functions, classes, and other elements that users can use in the application development process to lessen the workload.
Install npm Packages
- Global Installation: To install a package globally (available system-wide), type the command:
npm install -g package-name
- Local Installation: To install a package locally to a project (only available in the project directory), type the command:
npm install package-name
- Installing Dev Dependencies: To install a package as a development dependency, type the command:
npm install package-name --save-dev
- Uninstalling a Package: : To remove a package, type the command:
npm uninstall package-name
- Managing npm Packages: Here are some useful commands for managing npm packages:
- List Installed Packages:
npm list -g --depth=0
This command directly displays all the packages installed in the global node_modules folder.
- Check for Outdated Packages:
npm outdated
This command shows you which packages are outdated.
- Update Packages:
npm update
This command upgrades the current packages to the latest one out there in the market.
The installation of npm is rather simple, but it is the beginning of getting the most out of JavaScript and Node.js in your projects. Understanding about npm lets the users have easy access to manage their projects.
In addition to that, with the latest npm version updated and installed on your Node.js systems, you can manage your project’s dependencies, discover and install new packages, and simplify your development process. Be well-equipped and optimize the development environment you work with. If you have read through this guide, then you should now have npm installed and steps that help you manage your project’s packages.