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What are Incoming and Outgoing Mail Server Settings?

 2 min

I. If you choose IMAP account setup, enter the following mailbox and server details:

1. Incoming mail server: OR server hostname ( is used as an example, replace it with your actual domain name and server hostname like is used as an example, replace it with your actual server)

2. Incoming mail port: 993 (with SSL) or 143 (with STARTTLS)

3. Encryption method: SSL/TLS (or STARTTLS if 143 port is used)

4. Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA): should be unchecked

5. Outgoing mail server: server your account is hosted on (the same as the incoming mail server)

6. Outgoing mail port: 465 (with SSL) OR 587 (with STARTTLS)

7. Encryption method: SSL/TLS (or STARTTLS if 587 port is used)

8. Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA): should be unchecked

II. If you choose POP account setup, enter the following mailbox and server details:

1. Incoming mail server: OR server hostname ( is used as an example, replace it with your actual domain name and server hostname like is used as an example, replace it with your actual server)

2. Incoming mail port: 995 (with SSL) or 110 (with STARTTLS)

3. This server requires an encrypted connection(SSL/TLS): should be checked

4. Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA): should be unchecked

5. Outgoing mail server: server your account is hosted on (the same as the incoming mail server)

6. Outgoing mail port: 465 (with SSL) OR 587 (with STARTTLS)

7. Encryption method: SSL/TLS (or STARTTLS if 587 port is used)

8. Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA): should be unchecked

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