There is an additional database named as information_schema in the MySQL version 5.02. You can find this database in cPanel-> Databases -> phpMyAdmin. It allows you to access the database metadata for corresponding user.
information_schema database stores the information about all other databases. For example, data type of columns, a database or a table name, access privileges, etc. It is a virtual database that is in-built with an aim to deliver information about the database system itself. The tables within this database are automatically populated by the MySQL server.
You should remember one major thing about the information_schema database and it is possible to query it, but its structure can’t be changed and data can’t be modified.
When you query the information_schema database, you get plenty of options on controlling the changes in the structure of your database and also, offer some level of automation on the database layer. For getting these two, it is important to follow some rules, like internal data modeling rules, naming convention, etc. You can also exploit it to document your database.