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Docker vs Kubernetes – Understand the Difference

Docker vs Kubernetes

If you are fond of cloud native technologies, then the debate between Docker vs Kubernetes will be very popular. Docker and Kubernetes are two popular software tools. Docker is a platform as a service product (PaaS) where applications are used on containers. On the other hand, Kubernetes is an orchestration( An automated process for taking siloed data from multiple storage locations) platform that manages multiple containers. The next question you might have is: What is the difference between Kubernetes and Docker?

To give you more highlights about Docker vs Kubernetes, we have curated this blog for you. Scroll down and explore more information on the same.

First, let us understand the definitions of Docker and Kubernetes. After reading this intro, we will have a look over the fundamental Kubernetes and Docker differences.

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What is Docker?

Docker is an open-source platform based on Linux containers. It is used to develop, ship and run applications inside containers. You can deploy as many containers simultaneously on the given host and MilesWeb is the reliable web hosting provider where you can deploy as many containers.

Containers are lightweight and very fast as there is no requirement of extra loads on the hypervisor as compared to virtual machines. It is because they run directly within the host machine’s kernel, which is the Docker and Kubernetes difference.

Security Considerations About Docker:

  • Some of the best practices to follow when using Docker include image scanning for vulnerabilities.
  • Mount and isolate the container to the private network namespace to separate the containers and the host network. This brings high security.
  • Apply users’ access control mechanisms and enforce proper identification and authentication of users in order to limit access to the elements in containers.

Related: Docker Container: What is it and what are its advantages?

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an open source platform where you can manage containerized workloads and services. In businesses and companies, there are multiple containers running on different hosts simultaneously. Thereby, it becomes a difficult thing to manage all containers together. Kubernetes takes care of scaling and failover for your application running on the container.

Security Considerations About Kubernetes:

  • Specify evaluation rules for applying security measures for pods when Kubernetes vs Dockers are considered. Include quotas on resources or prevent a pod from running with privileged container access.
  • Employ network policies to regulate inclination to pods and other resources over the network.
  • Use admission controllers to block and contain additional security checks before the creation of pods and before modification of pods.

The Fundamental Difference: Docker vs Kubernetes

What is the difference between Kubernetes and Docker? The very basic difference between Docker vs Kubernetes is that Kubernetes run across a cluster of nodes, while Docker only functions at a single node. Remember that Docker is a popular container platform and Kubernetes only manages containerized workloads. It can work with any containerization technology and also helps with the Docker networking, load-balancing, security and scaling across all nodes which helps in running your containers ( An unit of software that packages code and its dependencies).

Use Cases Of Docker vs Kubernetes

  • Microservices Architecture: Docker vs Kubernetes are both useful when it comes to the creation of encapsulated microservice architectures.
  • Web Applications: Docker and Kubernetes are two technologies in the cloud that can be used to organize the deployment of web applications along with failure prediction.
  • Data Science and Machine Learning: As for distributed machine learning pipelines, Kubernetes can be incorporated as a tool that can handle them, and as for the deployment of machine learning models, Docker can be incorporated as an utility that can package them.
  • IoT Applications: While there’s a Docker and Kubernetes difference, both can be used to deploy IOT applications to allow for scalability as required.

What Does Docker Do?

Building the container image: Docker creates an image for the container, its blueprint and includes everything that is needed to run an application with elements like binaries, scripts, dependencies, configuration, environment variables, configuration and many more. If you want to run a multi-container application, there is a tool called Docker Compose. These tools have strong CI/CD (continuous integration and delivery) pipeline integration with code repositories (like GitHub).

  • Image sharing: Docker Hub is a registry service provided by Docker for finding and sharing container images. The Docker Hub is similar to GitHub in terms of functionality.
  • Docker Engine runs containers on Macs and Windows PCs, Linux and Windows servers, the cloud, and on edge devices. Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) project container, the leading open-source container runtime, is the foundation of Docker Engine.                                                   
  • Integrated container orchestration: Docker Swarm manages a cluster of Docker Engines (typically on different nodes). This is where Kubernetes overlaps.

Related: What Are Containers And What Are Their Benefits?

What is the purpose of Kubernetes?

To automate the deployment and management of containerized applications, businesses utilize Kubernetes. A DevOps team may instruct Kubernetes on how to assign the necessary resources in advance rather than having to manually manage each container in a cluster.

Container orchestration is the point where Kubernetes and the Docker software suite converge. In other words, when people compare Kubernetes and Docker, they really mean Kubernetes and Docker Swarm.

Orchestration Challenges For Docker vs Kubernetes

  • Service Discovery: Ongoing service discovery is one of the services delivered by Kubernetes, where containers can find each other and dynamically create the networking to connect. 
  • Load Balancing: In this system, use of Kubernetes can provide availability and performance of the instances of a service by distributing the traffic.
  • Self-Healing: Another strength of Kubernetes is the ability to autoscale containers that failed or nodes that went missing, which enhances the application’s redundancy.
  • Horizontal Scaling: One of the most Kubernetes vs Dockers points lies in the key strength of Kubernetes. That is, Kubernetes is horizontally scalable, meaning that new containers can be added to or subtracted from an application.
  • Configuration Management: Since Kubernetes operate in a declarative fashion, it is easier to create and modify application configurations, which is another major difference between Docker and Kubernetes.

Head to Head Comparison: Docker and Kubernetes

ParameterDocker SwarmKubernetes
Developed byDocker IncGoogle
Founded in20132014
ScalingAutoscaling is not possibleAuto-scaling feature is there
Setup of clustersThe cluster’s setup is difficult and complex. Stronger cluster strength you will get with Docker.The cluster is easy to set up. because it has its very own version of API.
Data volumeIt allows for the sharing of storage volumes among many containers in the same Pod.Storage volumes are shared with other containers.
Large clustersThe strong cluster states take into account speed.Without taking into account speed, it provides container deployment and scaling even in big clusters.
CommunityA devoted user base that keeps the software updated.Strong backing from open source organisations and major corporations like Google, Amazon, Microsoft and IBM.
Wrapping it Up

Your containerized apps can be orchestrated using Kubernetes, and containers can be created using Docker. Your program and its dependencies can be packaged, shipped, and distributed using Docker in the form of a container. Docker is an application platform used to compile applications and their requirements into a single unit called a container. Kubernetes, in turn, is an orchestration layer that deals with these containers and their distribution across the different hosts. Together, they make a great force for constructing and running applications as containers.


How are Docker and Kubernetes related?

Docker is a platform that provides operating system-level virtualization to help developers package applications and their dependencies into a portable container. Kubernetes, on the other hand, is an orchestration platform that manages and scales these containers across multiple hosts. Docker and Kubernetes together make for a potent pair when it comes to creating and executing applications in containers.

What are the limitations of Docker for large-scale applications?

Docker is a containerization platform used to package applications and their dependencies into portable containers. Kubernetes, on the other hand, is an orchestration platform that manages and scales these containers across multiple hosts. Together, they form a powerful combination for building and deploying containerized applications.

What are the limitations of Docker for large-scale applications?

Docker is excellent for managing individual containers, but it lacks the advanced orchestration features needed for large-scale applications. This includes tasks like service discovery, load balancing, self-healing, and horizontal scaling.

What are the key components of a Kubernetes cluster?

A Kubernetes cluster consists of several key components.
1. Master nodes: It is noteworthy that these nodes are in charge of the cluster and perform Kubernetes control plane components.
2. Worker nodes: These nodes execute the actual containerized applications to fulfill the intended use or service.
3. Pods: Kubernetes’ smallest deployable unit. A pod can hold one or more than one container.
4. Services: A collection of pods that are related in that they all supply a network service.
5. Deployments: A method of declaring the states of an application as well as updating them in a declarative manner.

How do I troubleshoot common Docker and Kubernetes issues?

Troubleshooting Docker and Kubernetes issues often involve:
1. Scouring system logs of the container for error or warning messages.
2. To view the state of Kubernetes objects, one can use kubectl.
3. Testing connections to external services from containers and vice versa.
4. Running OS commands with the help of debugging tools such as Docker exec or Kubectl exec into containers.

The Author

I am a passionate content writer. I write unique, genuine and high-quality content on web hosting and other topics. Being a keen learner I continue to improve my writing skills.

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