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Shopify Vs Woocommerce Find The Best One For You

Planning to start an eCommerce website? Wow, that sounds good! Well, you need to study in depth about starting an eCommerce website. There are many parameters that you need to consider before launching an eCommerce website.

Among all parameters, one parameter is to select an eCommerce platform and if you list down eCommerce platforms then you’ll surely get these two very well – known eCommerce platforms that are Shopify and WooCommerce.

I am aware these two must be on top 2 positions in your list because they are most preferred eCommerce platforms.

But choosing among these two must be a tough call for you, right? Then, check my article to know a detailed comparison of Shopify and WooCommerce and find out the best for you.

Why to Run an eCommerce Website?

We all are aware that the eCommerce website is all about buying and selling products and services online. Irrespective of the business size you can earn a good amount of income if everything is managed properly. Every business is moving online and this has increased the demand for online shopping. However, running an eCommerce website is always beneficial as below:

1. Establishing an online business eliminates overhead and other related costs that are included in a physical location.

2. You get a global audience to target and this will help you to increase customer count than a local business.

3. Your business will be open 24*7*365 days, this will help to earn maximum income than what you were earning with your local business.

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Why Quality Web Hosting Service is Necessary for E-commerce Website?

Starting an eCommerce website means your website should be live 24*7*365 days and this is possible with web hosting service.  Therefore, getting the best web hosting provider like MilesWeb will help you to get online easily by providing the best eCommerce hosting plan, features and necessary guidance.

You’ll get plenty of options of eCommerce platforms at a fair price along with the best complexity. While going through the options, pay close attention to below-mentioned parameters:

1. Distinct Features:

Adding a unique feature to store is always beneficial because you explore new ideas. If you are getting the best solution that consists of everything then you’re done with your job. It means you’re working on your website rigorously and thinking out of the box.

2. Flexibility:

 The more flexible your platform is, the more power you have to create an exact store as per your demand.

3. Scalability:

Always consider a solution where you’ll get scalability feature to expand your business as and when needed.

4. Security:

Even a personal website owner is concerned with the security factor then what type of security, you expect for your eCommerce website? For you, this question is a must and you’ve to look for the same while selecting a hosting provider, because important transactions are going to take place on your website.

5. Support:

You never know when your website will go down and when you’ll need urgent help from your provider. Therefore, check the availability of the support team and modes of communication. If they’re working 24*7*365 days like us then consider it.

6. Search Engine Optimization

You’re starting a website with an aim to earn profit then you need to work on it continuously. In short, you have to optimize your website to rank on the top in search engine. If your website is well optimized then it will grab more audience.

Reasons are unlimited but these above mentioned are more than enough for you to know. So, let’s find out which platform you should consider in our next segment.

Shopify vs WooCommerce: The Definition

What is Shopify?

Shopify is an online eCommerce platform that allows the owner to design an eCommerce store, accept payments, and manage inventory, etc. It is a user – friendly and easy to customize the platform. You’ll get 3 best plans starting at Rs. $29/mo – Basic Shopify, $79/mo – Shopify and $299/mo – Advanced Shopify. You can select any plan based on your requirement.

What is WooCommerce?

Yet another popular open – source eCommerce plugin developed for WordPress users is known as WooCommerce. It permits you to buy the most robust content management system – CMS for setting up an online store. This platform is used by millions of users on the web.

Additionally, WordPress is also the best option for developing an eCommerce website that is easy to use and offers a customizable platform.

But WooCommerce is completely dedicated to designing an eCommerce website only. You’ve to add WooCommerce plugin to your WordPress website.

Plus, you’ll get features along with extensions and plugins. If you want more customized plugins and themes then opt for a paid feature or hire a developer to design.

We at MilesWeb, warmly welcome those customers who want to set up an eCommerce website by providing best WooCommerce hosting plans at the best price.

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Shopify vs WooCommerce: Feature

This is the deciding factor otherwise your store will lack crucial functionality, if the right features were not chosen.


  • At an initial stage, you’ll get 70 themes.
  • It offers 100 payment gateway alternatives, a secured shopping cart, and various other options required.
  • You can operate your website from a mobile device as well.
  • You get an amazing dashboard to study the key data about sales and customers.
  • Available social media integration alternatives.
  • Unlimited space for products.
  • You can add product reviews, discount codes and coupons easily.

If you opt for higher – tier plans then you can avail the best features like professional reports and abandoned cart recovery. From the app store, you can download add – ons to add functions like social media, shipping and accounting.


  • You can sell services, physical goods and digital products.
  • WooCommerce is a highly – customizable storefront platform that allows designing individual product pages and display variations.
  • You can track and manage inventory.
  • Customizable shopping cart and checkout process with multiple currency options and gateways.
  • It offers several shipping methods and zones.
  • Mobile – friendly.
  • Avail analytics features to monitor traffic, earnings and more.

In terms of features, both offer best features but somewhere WooCommerce wins the run because of open source CMS with billions of plugins and themes.

Shopify vs WooCommerce: Scalability

In the beginning, you may earn less on a small scale. Though, your store will grow over time. At the start, only you need to take a smart move by getting a scalable platform.


When it comes to scalability, Shopify is a perfect solution. All their plans include a feature called an unlimited amount of products and file storage. You can upgrade your plan to avail advanced features.


It is scalable because of access to plugins and extensions. You can develop any size and type of store. WooCommerce offers limited alternatives in terms of payments, shipping and analytics. Thankfully, you get an option to expand your choices easily. For instance, if you’re in need of extra payment gateways then download and install a related extension or plugin.

As per our view, both the platforms are scalable. Shopify wins the scalability race and it’s expensive too. Whereas, WooCommerce is a splendid scalable platform with a free solution in terms of free plugins and extensions.

Shopify vs WooCommerce: Security

As we have already discussed that security is a much-needed factor for eCommerce website. Check the security features before buying the platform.


Shopify is by default certified with  PCI compliance. This increases the trust among visitors and allows them to use credit card information safely. A security badge can be added on the website to earn the trust of customers. From the dashboard, you can operate your website, monitor your store vulnerabilities and potential hacks. Last but not least, you get an SSL certificate at free of cost on all plans. I must say, this is similar to having icing on the cake.


WooCommerce is also offering security features. WordPress is offering security as it has billions of security plugins and themes to protect your website. You’ll get constant notifications for updating the WordPress, plugins and themes. If you fail to update the same for a long time then you’ll give an open invitation to hackers to hack your website.

WordPress is the popular platform and WooCommerce is surely a potential and secure alternative. Though Shopify offers additional features for protection but you can’t go beyond their set parameters.

Shopify vs WooCommerce: SEO

SEO is the main factor that is used to take your website on top in search engine results. It’s the easiest way to grab customers through online searches. You have to work hard to get your attention for your website in search engine results.


Shopify has already worked on SEO and also helped its customers to push their store on the top. The sitemap automatically gets generated and you’re allowed to customize your pages’ title tags, meta descriptions and URLs, set alt tags, etc. All these small parameters collaborate in a better way to improve your website rankings.


WooCommerce itself offers SEO related features. It’s developed using code optimized for SEO, but you’ll get less when it comes to functionality or extensions. For better SEO practice, you need to download a WordPress SEO plugin. In the free plugin option, you’ll get many options via an easy-to-use interface – Yoast SEO is the perfect example.

If we talk about comparison then Shopify is perfect for those who want to set up a website without investing in additional work. Whereas as WooCommerce and WordPress are the best ways for all newbies and professionals to boost their earning by implementing best SEO strategies.

Shopify vs WooCommerce: Support

Support is an all time needed factor no matter you’re experienced or a newbie in running an eCommerce store. So, selecting a platform that offers continued support will give more relief to you.


Shopify works on a monthly basis, it offers continuous support service through multiple modes. They offer comprehensive help center, where you’ll get all necessary tutorials to troubleshooting guides. Further, it has training guides, forums, webinars, etc.


WooCommerce provides almost the same features, involving essential and detailed documentation. In case of special help, you can submit a support ticket to the developers. WordPress community is the main source of assistance and information along with forums, training courses, forums, etc.

If you’re interested to pay money then you can hire WooCommerce experts as well. Lastly, you have to consider the best web hosting provider to get continuous support service.

At MilesWeb, you’ll get quality and worth support service. As we are available 24*7*365 days to serve our customers via chat, email and phone.

For this, I will give my nod to Shopify where you’ll get 24*7 support service monthly just by paying a specific amount. WooCommerce also has various alternatives of support but you need to wait a little for a solution.

Also Read: 5 Most Popular eCommerce Hosting Scripts

Takeaway: Shopify Vs Woocommerce Find The Best One For You

Developing an eCommerce website is like building a tower that involves more efforts to make it stand for a long time. Similar is to develop an eCommerce website that will serve the audience for a long period. Both the platforms are superior in their own way but which you want that is more important. I hope you must have found this comparison interesting and learning. Now, the ball is in your court.

The Author

A passionate Digital Marketing Executive and Content Writer working with MilesWeb. I am passionate about writing blogs related to Information Technology and Digital Marketing. In my free time, I love to watch news channels and hang around social networking sites.

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